Joyful analytics
Make sense out of your data today

DataPulse is super simple, live, fun & lightweight solution for your website analytics.

Background Decoration
DataPulse - App Preivew
Report Decoration
Users Decoration
Visits Decoration
Wondering Emoji
Wow Emoji
Checkmark DecorationSparkles Decoration

How many users are visiting my website?

What pages are they visiting?

Where my users are visiting from?

What type of devices do they use?

How do they know about my website?

and much more questions you can answer about your product right away.

Wonder Emoji
How many users are visiting my website? - Image Explainer
What pages are they visiting? - Image Explainer
Where my users are visiting from? - Image Explainer
What type of devices do they use? - Image Explainer
How do they know about my website? - Image Explainer

Real Time Insights

See your dashboard update live. Understand users as they come and go.

Real Time Insights - Image Explainer
Explore with your Team - Image Explainer

Explore with your Team

Invite your manager, team, and friends to chat, collaborate and solve real problems.

31x Faster
Google Analytics53.1kb

Ultra Lightweight

Designed to be seamless and instant. Our script weights less than < 1kb, a line of code and you are set.

GDPR CompliantCCPA compliant
Secure & Privacy Friendly - Image Explainer

Secure & Privacy Friendly

No cookies, GDPR, CCPA compliant strict with European privacy laws - any data collected belong to you and will never be shared or sold.

Why is it free?

We are currently in public beta 😱. We would like to see how you use our product, and what features you would like to see in the future so you would find it worth to pay for. So for the X period of time we are offering it for free. After that, we will be charging for our services.

Why would I use this?

Oh, did you try to use Google Analytics 4? It's a mess 😅. We are here to fix that - to make it easy to use, and to understand. Most of the analytics tools are either overdone, hard to setup, or just not good enough. We are here to change that. Just try it out and see yourself we want to bring some joy into looking at your data again.

Is there going to be more features?

Yeah, we will get there. We are just starting out, we will make things better. 🫡
Background Decoration

Try different approach
start your free trial today

psst, we are currently in public beta - you can try it completely for free